No Straight Lines

For everyone who loves comics and has felt the thrill of discovering an LGBTQIA+ artist who drew about – and celebrated and skewered – one’s own realities, this is your documentary. This beautiful love letter to five pioneering queer cartoonists will introduce you to the first black gay superhero (drawn by Rupert Kinnard), the first […]

My Name is Pauli Murray

Fifteen years before Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat, a full decade before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned separate-but-equal legislation, Pauli Murray was already knee-deep fighting for social justice. A pioneering attorney, activist, priest, and dedicated memoirist, Murray shaped landmark litigation—and consciousness—around race and gender equity. As an African-American youth raised in the […]

If It Were Love

(“Si c’était de l’Amour”) Each dancer is hosed down before entering the dirt-covered stage. Some of them arrive alone; others arrive already engaged in frenetic conversation. Onstage, the fifteen dancers move slowly, rhythmically with one another—one organism ebbing and flowing in time to the persistent thrum of house music. They all come from different origins, […]

P.S. Burn this Letter Please

Untold LGBTQIA+ history can be difficult to come by, with much of it finding its way into archival trash bins. P.S. Burn This Letter Please is a documentary that captures a moment in queer history – a moment that could have easily been lost. This film about New York City’s drag community unfolds thanks to […]

I want to get in the loop for the
Utah Queer Film Festival!