Local Business and Corporate Sponsorships

For 20 years, Damn These Heels (now Utah Queer Film Festival) has highlighted local and international queer filmmakers; created safe spaces for our local queer artists, storytellers, and audiences to celebrate each other; and offered stories that highlight the full spectrum of human experiences. 


In a state outwardly known for its conservative values, the Film Festival provides a platform for diverse LGBTQ+ voices, breaking barriers and promoting understanding through the power of film. By existing and thriving in Utah, the festival’s presence is a testament to the resilience and determination of those who believe in equality, and the power of representation in art, media, and culture.

Year over year, the festival draws between 2,000-3,000 attendees from Utah and beyond.* Many high net-worth individuals, members of the queer community, invested local leaders, and filmmakers and filmlovers attend the festival. 

Your support of the festival will place your products and services in front of people who are deeply engaged in the success of Utah’s queer community and who want to invest in companies who are too. 

*Attendance between 2020-2022 are exceptions, when COVID impacted opportunities for engagement and attendanc

Sponsorship Opportunities

Engagement and underwriting opportunities include: Naming (our opening night festival party, for example), venue, and exclusivity sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorship opportunities start at $1,000.

Please contact Isaac Fairley at ifairley@utahfilmcenter.org for more details. 

I want to get in the loop for the
Utah Queer Film Festival!