
Gene attends a slumber party with his four drama club friends, a final goodbye before each departs for college in 1994. This is the night he has selected to finally come out of the closet. In this moment of cross roads, the group slowly opens up to one another over antics, theatrics, and pizza. Gene’s […]

The Conductor

With every note diligently studied, Marin Alsop stands before a hundred instrumentalists, elegantly weaving their individual sounds with a delicate precision and fervent passion. Musically inclined from a very early age, with a dedication to the art of ensemble work and orchestration, and mentors the likes of Leonard Bernstein, Marin Alsop has rightfully earned Music […]

Ma Belle, My Beauty

Lane, Bertie and Fred once shared a polyamorous relationship in New Orleans. Lane loved Bertie, Fred loved Bertie, they had a balance that worked… until it didn’t, and Lane vanished from their lives. Two years later, Bertie and Fred have gotten married and are living at Fred’s family home in the countryside of southern France. […]

No Ordinary Man

American jazz musician Billy Tipton developed a reputable touring and recording career in the mid-twentieth century, along with his band The Billy Tipton Trio. After his death in the late 80s, it was revealed that Tipton was assigned female at birth, and his life was swiftly reframed as the story of an ambitious woman passing […]

I want to get in the loop for the
Utah Queer Film Festival!